Saturday, February 12, 2011

The 2nd Bone Marrow Biopsy

We left the house today at 7am since we had to be back at the Children's Hospital of Orange County by 9am for her procedure to start at 9:30am. The worst part of this ordeal is that we had to starve the poor baby (no food or drink for 9 hours prior to the procedure) and she WAS NOT happy. We arrive about 45 minutes early since traffic for Friday was not that bad. Jaiden was very fussy by the time we arrived because she was expecting her bottle for the morning, but Grandma Maria was there to keep her pre-occupied in the back seat.

The room was already set up and ready to go as soon as we arrived. I had to call Jaiden's pediatrician to make sure the approval was sent to the infusion center which was cutting it very close, but it was delivered. Having an HMO can be a pain in the rear, but I am very thankful we have insurance-even though we pay like crazy to have it. There were home-made blankets for Jaiden in the room for her to take home, along with a stuffed kitty cat and some toys to keep her occupied....well let's just say that the toys nor the TV with cartoons helped at all. Jaiden knows what going on and is aware of who those people in scrubs and white jackets are and don't like them one bit-she's had enough!

I had to hold her while they sedated her and it doesn't get easier even though this is her second procedure-it hurts me deep down inside to know that she is put to sleep in a manner that children should NEVER have to experience, ever! I don't like the way her body feels and her facial expression-children are always supposed to be full of life and movement and when this procedure is about to start that all stops.

The procedure was about 35 minutes long and we were called back in the room and Jaiden of course looks and acts as if she was drinking a little too much :) She did well and we had to wait about 20 minutes before we could leave and head home. We made sure to feed her the much anticipated bottle she was waiting for and she feel fast asleep as we made our way back home. We are hopeful the bone marrow biopsy will show nothing new as it did last time so the treatment can be started on Tuesday....more to follow next week!

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