Friday, February 18, 2011

changes....OH changes!

Jaiden has been taking her new medications since Tuesday and I thought after her vomiting up them the first time would be the last of anything out of the ordinary, boy was I wrong! Wednesday is the day Braulio gave Jaiden her shot of Mexotrexate and she did fine, a little crying but nothing unexpected. The day seemed to go well and Jaiden was a bit cranky and sleepy from the Predesone.

SO on to Thursday....Jaiden woke up with hives/rash ALL over her face-it looked horrible and she had never had this type of rash located on her face, never! I immediately called her pediatrician and was brought in to see what I was talking about. Both of the doctors in the practice agreed that it had to be a reaction from the shot given the day prior because she didn't have this reaction immediately following the oral medications. Now the doctor had to call her Rheumatologist to talk it over. All day Jaiden was in the worst mood I have ever seen her in. She was not wanting to be held, sat down, laid down-nothing was making her happy, not even her Mum-Mum crisps! I was so frustrated with the day and couldn't believe she had turned into a complete different baby in such a short time. I had to say to myself that she will improve, things will get better. Good thing I waited...ha ha ha-I have no choice but to wait.

Today was an immediate change-I thought I was dreaming. Jaiden didn't have the rash on her face or anywhere else on her body and was so happy. Again, how could she change so quickly? While I was working on my paper in the office she was crawling around finding things she shouldn't...she went straight to her favorite place-the shred pile next to the shredder :) She was babbling like there was no tomorrow. To fill everyone in Jaiden does multiple things that she has learned from her Grandma Maria-

she pants like a dog when you say "where's Roxie? (our Beagle)," waves her hands in each direction when you say bye-bye and when she doesn't want her bottle or food anymore, she points to her palm when you say "palm, palm, palm," she looks all over the place when you say "where's Abuelo?" and blinks her eyes when you say "ojitos." Seriously her Grandma taught her all of this :)

I am hopeful that she will continue this good streak even though she has to get blood drawn (she had to today) two weeks from today and then every six weeks as well as get her medicine shot once a week from Daddy.

Jaiden is such a strong 11 month old baby and all I want is for her to be happy. It's going to take more time to see the progress but so far we have seen a preview.

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